Programming interview books stack overflow

Which makes sense, right, because stack overflow is a wiki, and thats how. If you post to stack overflow, chances are youll be told to read a book nicely. Linguistics stack exchange is a question and answer site for professional linguists and others with an interest in linguistic research and theory. Asking how to configure an apache server, or run a command on ubuntu, are not tools used primarily for programming. I was working as a it network administrator for 2 years, then i started learning. The best types of programming books are ones that dont just tell you how, but explain the why behind it. So, sign up, set up your developer story, and let stack overflow make it easier for you to find the job you deserve. Pro javascript programmer interview questions with answers closed ask question asked 9 years. Do real programmers copy paste code from stack overflow. How stack overflow does technical interviews stack. If you really have a strong foundation of programming fundamentals and by that i mean that you are profound with all the concepts like searching linear and binary, sorting bubble, selection and insertion, arrays, data structures, pointers and.

Design principles, best practices and design patterns for. How to prepare yourself for programming interview questions. The guerrilla guide to interviewing joel on software. May 27, 2016 i was working as a it network administrator for 2 years, then i started learning. Question about programming, not a programming language meta. How to run successful developer interviews remotely. And dont forget to canvass programmercentric websites including stack overflow and leetcode that have online forums. Are questions about writing about programming on topic for. They are also important to crack coding interviews at top tech. Then comes the closures, lambdas, reduction, higher order functions and immutability. This link also details a list of programming puzzles. The book also has a section on non programming questions such as salary negotiation, which i found very helpful. A good interview though will contain a lot of questions about the technology they are hiring for. The op of this post might have been reading about programming when he thought of his question, but answering.

See if they can actually do functional programming in the right way. Each month, more than 40 million professional and aspiring programmers visit stack overflow to. Each month, more than 40 million professional and aspiring programmers visit stack overflow to ask and answer questions and find better jobs. A programming task is scaring off candidates, should we. If there is no code in your link, it probably doesnt belong here. The 30minute guide to rocking your next coding interview. They eliminate people who dont have the means to buy books, take. According to quantcast, stack overflow is the 30th largest web property in the united states and in the top 100 in the world. However, afterward, it was quickly shut down because people could see absolutely no indication that this question is programmingrelated, despite the fact that the question had been about how to achieve a clear task programmatically, and that i had already received an answer to this effect, stating that such an api unfortunately does not exist. In certain cases, questions about programming are on topic on so that dont directly relate to any programming language, or relate to more than one programming language. Career tips for aspiring developers from stack overflow ceo. The stack overflow podcast is a weekly conversation about working in software development, learning to code, and the art and culture of computer programming.

Your question was about programming after four paragraphs of prose that really had nothing to do with the programming question at hand. Interview question about familiarity with a programming language. What, if any, is the correct way to program, that applies to all languages. During our interview spolsky also reveals he is a supporter of universal basic income an unconditional financial benefit received by all citizens as a way to negate the impact of. Since stack overflow was founded, weve described it as a question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers. Code golf stack exchange is a site for recreational programming competitions, not general programming questions. A practical, fun approach to computer science fundamentals, as seen through the lens of common programming interview questions. So far i am using ledit, an expensive and rudimentary cad program. What are the most interesting stack overflow questions. Top 10 free books and courses to learn data structure and. I analyzed every book ever mentioned on stack overflow. The three skills every software developer should learn. Many of the algorithmic concepts tested in coding interviews are not.

Expert hoping for the right interview questions thepracticaldev computer. Question about programming, not a programming language. Is it accepted to write a question about programming itself on stack overflow, rather than something specific about a certain programming language. Learn more pro javascript programmer interview questions with answers closed. The fact that the op is not aware must not make it ontopic, otherwise any op could claim ignorance when asking non programming related questions. Canvas your network to find mock interview opportunities for. Not only do developers hate brainteaser essays, opinions, and advice on the act of computer programming from stack overflow. Learning a programming language may sometime require extensive understanding of the various paradigms and theories, but for a newbie a single book or documentation is so overwhelming that it is easy to be lost.

Is it still worth mentioning that i wrote those books. Is there any programming language to do graphical layout for semiconductor manufacturing. What are some mustread questions on stack overflow for all. Youre reading joel on software, stuffed with years and years of completely raving mad articles about software development, managing software teams, designing user interfaces, running successful software companies, and rubber duckies. Questions contains the title, body, creation date, closed date if applicable, score, and owner id for all nondeleted stack overflow questions whose id is a multiple of 10. You should definitely check it out if you want to conduct a serious programming interview. And if youre going to work for a large company such as microsoft or amazon, youll also find books specifically written about the interview processes at those companies. The insiders guide aziz, adnan, lee, tsunghsien, prakash, amit on. Where can i find programming puzzles and challenges. Are there places online, or books available, where i can access lists of programming puzzles or challenges. Im surprised your conclusion arent more agnostic about the programming language e. You might be programming when youre sitting on the chair and typing on the keyboard, but those two activities sitting and typing arent programming. I havent updated them since, and i havent worked much on python either. Why interview questions for programming jobs are so difficult.

What is the meaning of stack overflow in programming. Jul 29, 2014 you dont see these very often these days. Top 6 resources on how to prepare for the coding interview iglu. Are there any known design principles, bestpractices and design patterns that one can follow while designing a c project. Programming interviews exposed is another good book for interview. Im continually amazed at the number of people, even on hacker news today, who dont realize that every single question and answer is editable on stack overflow, even as a completely anonymous user who isnt logged in. Please tell me the method of preparation for this interview. Programming language for graphics, semiconductor layout. Latest newsletter podcast company developer hiring itrecruiting german engineering february 18, 2016 how stack overflow does technical interviews.

Six of the top 30 books directly relate to the c programming. While search engines and community forums like stack overflow are indispensable, theres no way you can obtain the same depth of knowledge and perspective as you get from reading books. What are your opinions on a stack overflow for new programmers. You can survive without being able to code a dfs without pasting it from stack overflow or using a builtin library. But stack overflow offers a lot more than programming tips. Should i put programming books i wrote a few years ago on my. Whiteboard coding interviews create and reinforce monocultures. May 10, 2016 the cofounder of the online programming hub stack overflow shares his thoughts on to forge a career as a successful software engineer. Its quite rare for a technical interview to happen in person. When the company calls to set up your interview, learn from the company representative how many people will be interviewing you and the interviewers roles if you can. Canvas your network to find mock interview opportunities. A programming task is scaring off candidates, should we ditch it. I have to say i hate programming interview questions. It supports both experienced developers who code as part of their work, and people who are learning as part of a university curriculum.

Software engineering stack exchange is a question and answer site for professionals, academics, and students working within the systems development life cycle. Lastly remember the interview is just a hurdle you have to jump over. For my day job, im the cofounder and ceo of stack overflow, the largest online community for programmers to learn, share their knowledge, and level up. Please keep submissions on topic and of high quality. One can probably pass over half that interview without having coded in scala, ever. No, that question is offtopic for the same reasons that questions about the best keyboard or chair for programmers would be offtopic. But a site like stack overflow, so abundant with expert users yet people like me easily get downvoted for asking broad questions. Copying and pasting from stack overflow by vinit nayak goodreads. Its going to be hard to interview with a staunch trump supporter if you have a blog filled with antitrump stuff. A 6 struggling to come up with answers during the interview might also give up there, due to thinking the job will be the same way. The books may be out of date technically, i havent used python a lot in the current job, so i. I analyzed every book ever mentione d on stack ove rflow.

Or useful design principles for procedural imperative programming in general. Pro javascript programmer interview questions with answers. The three things i would tell people to learn are economics, writing and c programming, said the stack overflow so cofounder and globallyrecognised expert on software development. Specifically, is your question programming related. Why is quora not nearly as good as stack overflow for getting technical answers. Jeff atwoodcofounder, stack overflow and discourse.

Career tips for aspiring developers from stack overflow ceo joel spolsky spolsky recommends developers learn programming languages python and c. Should i put programming books i wrote a few years ago on. I have a phone interview coming up next with with a company which works in financial software industry. Michael pryor has a site dedicated to technical interview questions.

There are two very popular examples of questions here either dont relate to a specific language, or relate to more than one language. This classic book uncovers what interviews are really like at americas top software and computer companies. If a 9 isnt challenged by the interview questions, they might not think its worth getting hired, since they wont be challenged by the work. Programmers are generally pretty good at using computers, and that includes websites. About us learn more about stack overflow the company. Interview question about familiarity with a programming. If youre nervous about the prospect of a programming interview, especially at a large technology company, check out the interviewing. Bear in mind that they will do the same to you so try to make what you say on you github linkedin appear neutral. Challenges must have an objective scoring criterion, and it is highly recommended to first post proposed challenges in the sandbox. Joel spolsky, the ceo of stack overflow, tells business insider that he sees the site as the library of alexandria an archive of the webs collective programming knowledge. Essays, opinions, and advice on the act of computer programming from stack overflow. Actually, the way i host interviews for programmers is giving four different programming. Questions contains the title, body, creation date, closed date if applicable, score, and owner id for all nondeleted stack overflow questions whose id is a multiple of 10 answers contains the body, creation date, score, and owner id for each of the.

Stack overflow for teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. Mar 23, 2000 the current version of this article is the guerrilla guide to interviewing, version 3. Using stack overflow to learn a programming language. Finding your next programming book is hard, and its risky. Which is the best book to prepare for codingprogramming. The issues with your questions range from rambling above, to posting about your nvidia gpu overheating, to asking us to recommend libraries explicitly off topic, to having problems with linux screencast software, to using stack overflow to try to test. Top books referenced on stack overflow dice insights. Just because it has a computer in it doesnt make it programming. List of freely available programming books programming books 2. So typically, this is caused when your recursive functions doesnt have the correct terminatio. As a developer, your time is scarce, and reading a book takes up a lot of that time. Dedicated to humor and jokes relating to programmers and programming.